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21-06-2009 20:27 - Second PRO's birthday

3 days ago, on 18th June'09, ProFurgol.com was 2 years old, more than 730 days live, we got our dream in these 2 last years. The dream was to create an enjoyable, exciting game with a big comunity created from nothing, where anybody from anycountry without important about his language, race, sex or beliefs could have a place to compete and meet other people.

The user TRA-LTU290 wrote to us something that i want to share with you:

Happy 2nd birthday :))!! I hope you didnt forgot that tomorow is ProFurgol "cake day" (its how we call this celebruty in mine country) ;-)

Im here almost a year now and when i remeber how this game looked then i can say only... Wow, so many great things made in that time, (bigger resoliution, 3 nt's, fraternitys, friendly tournaments, flag counters, all these naturalization processes, much more and intresting stats, ofcorse profurgol V2.0 changes and much more..). Its one of the few games where you can see main developer chating in forums and also having chance to offer some ideas and maybe see them come true :) I hope this year will be as good or even better than last, good luck reaching your new goals, we are hoping that you are planing some surprises in future for us, like always ^_^

Sincerously after reading this message we haven't got anything to add, even though we'll never get tired repeting one and thounsands times that this game is doing with every user and the comunity has allways been and will be the most important in developing and grouth for this game, thanks to everybody.

As well, I think that it would be very interesting to do a litle compared to the first month on PRO on 2007 between last entire month in 2009 until today, I hope that this data will be interesting for you:

»» JULY 2007

Users: 350
Visits/Month: 7.515
Pages/Month: 202.716
Countries: 3
VIP: 0%
Matches played: 586
Posts in the Forum: 805
Topics in the Forum: 78
Leagues: 380
Platers sold: 81
Bids: 757
National Cups: 0
Tournaments: 0
Fraternitys: 0
National Teams: 0
World Cups: 0
World Cup qualifying: 0
Elections to NT coachs: 0
Seasons: 0
Referees: 0
Injuries: 0

»» MAY 2009

Users: 4.300
Visits/Month: 159.541
Pages/Month: 9.982.435
Countries: 40
VIP: 4-6%
Matches played: 17.071
Posts in the Forum: 24.653
Topics in the Forum: 928
Leagues: 1.450
Players sold: 2.645
Bids: 30.414
National Cups: 120
Tournaments: 43
Fraternitys: 43
National Teams: 120
World Cups: 1
World Cup qualifying: 1
Elections to NT coachs: 2
Seasons: 7
Referees: 11.985
Injuries: 10.583
Pedro  ↔  10 Comments 

#1: 21-06-2009
 Happy Birthday I hope to celebrate more and more :)

#2: 21-06-2009
 greatz :)

happy bithday!

this game it's unique ;)

for a lote of years more!

sorry my bad english xD

#3: 21-06-2009
 greatz :)

happy bithday!

this game it's unique ;)

for a lote of years more!

sorry my bad english xD

#5: 21-06-2009
Feliz cumpleaños!!

#9: 22-06-2009
 Happy Birthday!

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